"Snowfall" is a drama set against the infancy of the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles and its ultimate radical impact on the culture as we know it. The story follows numerous characters on a violent collision course, including Franklin Saint, a young street entrepreneur on a quest for power. In "Snowfall," people are working toward their ultimate goals of money, power, and influence as 1984 begins in Los Angeles.
featured artist.
Peruse pop-up storefronts from local Black-owned small businesses at this marketplace inspired by FX’s Snowfall. South L.A. coworking space Vector90 hosted a lineup that includes Bricks & Wood, Post21, JéBlanc and Queen LA; artwork from DomoINK; food and beverages from Hank’s Mini Market, Harun and Crenshaw Juice Co.; and a collaboration with Destination Crenshaw.